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The Economist
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Potter Auctions
Swann Galleries
Addison & Sarova, the Rare Book Auctioneers
Booksellers’ Gulch
New York Antiquarian Book Fair
Fine Fairs 2025
Florida Aiquarian Book Fair

Letter from Asheville

October, 2024
By Brendan Sherar

Dear friends, colleagues, and fellow BIBLIOphiles,

As many of you may know, BIBLIO's headquarters is in Asheville, NC - an area recently devastated by Hurricane Helene. Thankfully, BIBLIO remains fully operational and has experienced no disruption in service throughout the disaster and its aftermath. 

But two-thirds of our staff live and work in the area, and while we're also thankful to report that we and our loved ones are safe and have suffered only some manageable property damage, that is not the case for many thousands of families and individuals here in Western North Carolina. 

There remains an enormous amount of work to deliver essential food, water, supplies, and basic services to our region. We are grateful to the tens of thousands of relief workers who are here helping us to locate and rescue missing or stranded people, restore access to basic services, and deliver food, water, and supplies to our communities. Equally so, we are grateful for the generous donations of critical supplies and financial support pouring in from around the U.S. While we may be one small city in the Appalachian mountains, we are clearly part of a greater community of generosity and compassion. 

It will be weeks before all critical infrastructure and services are fully restored and many months - if not years - to rebuild communities, neighborhoods, businesses, and livelihoods that have been literally destroyed by this disaster. For an area that relies on 13 million visitors a year drawn here for its stunning natural beauty and unique mountain culture, the effects of this disaster will be long and far-reaching. 

BIBLIO has been a part of Western North Carolina since its beginning. Many of our staff - myself included - have grown up in the Asheville area. Several of us have children who have also grown up here. A number of BIBLIO's booksellers - including some of its first clients - are located here. We are committed to doing our part to provide relief and assistance to our neighbors and to help rebuild our beautiful city and surrounding area. 

This is where you come in: I would like to ask you to join us in supporting organizations that are literally working around the clock to supply desperately-needed relief to our communities. When you make a purchase on BIBLIO, please choose the roundup option, which directly benefits "BeLoved Asheville", a local and 100% volunteer-staffed non-profit that is distributing water, food, and other essential supplies to tens of thousands of people daily. 

I'd also like to encourage you to make direct contributions to "BeLoved" or any of other organizations working tirelessly to deliver aid to where it's needed the most. 

From myself, my staff, and the communities of Asheville and Western North Carolina, I want to thank you for your generosity and for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It truly takes a village, and we are ever-grateful that you are all part of ours. 

With gratitude,

Brendan Sherar
Founder & CEO of BIBLIO