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Addison & Sarova, the Rare Book Auctioneers
Fine Fairs 2025

Exceptional Al Capone Letters, Books & Manuscripts by Historically Important Figures Perform Well at Hindman

A noteworthy collection of letters by notorious American gangster Al Capone achieved exceptional prices in Hindman’s November 8th-9th Fine Books & Manuscripts auction. Books and manuscripts authored and signed by presidents and world leaders from the Patrick Atkinson Collection also attracted significant attention, with new auction records set for books signed by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi. The total sale nearly doubled its estimate, and realized over $1.2 million, representing one of Hindman’s most successful various owner Books & Manuscripts auctions in recent years.
A group of three Al Capone letters saw incredibly competitive bidding, with two of the letters selling in the top five lots of the auction.
Highlighting the group was a letter written by Capone two days after the January 1925 assassination attempt on his life, which soared past its $10,000-15,000 estimate to fetch $53,125. Another manuscript letter from Capone, written from Cicero in 1924, more than tripled its presale estimate to sell for $43,750. In this powerful letter, Capone writes urgently to Bill asking him to “find that bootlegger...tell him I want him to come right away to Chicago,” and noting that he “[has] a big order for him.”
A Colt New Army & Navy Revolver Model from 1896, believed to have been owned by Capone, sold for an impressive price of $43,750 against the presale estimate of $5,000-7,000.
Manuscript letters written by criminals were not the only noteworthy sales of the day, as bidders also actively sought books letters and manuscripts by presidents and peace activists from the Patrick Atkinson Collection.
The Patrick Atkinson Collection of Signed Books & Manuscripts nearly doubled the pre-auction estimate, with particularly impressive prices realized for books written by renowned world leaders. A 1958 first edition, first printing of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Stride Toward Freedom. The Montgomery Story set a new world auction record for a book signed by King, achieving $50,000 against the pre-sale estimate of $8,000 - $12,00. A first edition of Gandhi’s Young India, 1919-1922  sold for $37,500 against the $4,000-6,000 estimate, which set an auction record for a book signed by Gandhi.
Highlights from the collection also included a 1785 letter from George Washington to his land agent, which more than doubled the estimate selling for $18,750. An album including more than 140 signatures and inscriptions from major Civil War era figures including Abraham Lincoln sold for $13,750 against the presale estimate of $3,000 - $5,000.
For more information, please call (312) 447-3271.